
LHU signed MoU with Hua Fan University

On December 7, LHU and Hua Fan University exchanged and signed an educational cooperation agreement between the two sides.

Hua Fan University was represented by Mr. Lin Chung-I – Rector; Mr. Chien Chiang-Ju – Head of Office of Academic Affairs; Mr. Liu Yu-Chuan – Head of Secretariat; Mr. Kao Wei-Ying - Head of Office of International and Cross-Strait Cooperation. Attendees from LHU were DSc. Lam Thanh Hien – Rector; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Lam – Vice Rector; MA. Nguyen Thi Hoang Oanh – Head of International Affairs Office cum Vice Dean of Faculty of Oriental Studies; MA. Hoang Tien Dung – Vice Head of International Affairs Office and related staff.

The delegation of LHU and Hua Fan University at the signing ceremony

Located in the rural area outside Taipei, Huafan is the first university established by the Buddhist community among the Chinese speaking countries. The University has incorporated the ideals of both Chinese education and Buddhist culture into its curricula. Founded in 1990 by the Ven. Hiu Wan, an artist and educator, as Huafan Institute of Technology, reorganized as Huafan College of Humanities and Technology in 1993, and then in 1997 was accredited a full-fledged university. Huafan prides itself on its great educational ideals, dynamic teaching staff, and peaceful mountainous surroundings. It consists of four colleges including College of Engineering and Management, College of Liberal Arts, College of Art and Design, and College of Buddhism, offering Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate degrees in 13 fields of study.

The MOU was inked by Mr. Lam Thanh Hien - Rector of LHU (left) and Mr. Lin Chung-I - Rector of Hua Fan University

The signed MoU is hoped to create more opportunities for LHU students and lecturers to access more training programs. Also, more benefits, efficiency and development in the fields of cooperation are wished to bring to the two sides.

Leaders of the two sides took a souvenir photo after the MoU singning ceremony


LHU, MoU, Hua Fan University, educational cooperation, agreement

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